To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Dustin French. I am a doctoral student at Northern Illinois University. I am also an adjunct faculty in the Intensive English Language program at Moraine Valley Community College. I am conducting a study on the college experiences of Arab Muslim students. The goal of this study is to learn more about the college experiences of Arab Muslim students and their sense of belonging and Islamophobia. It is my hope that my study will contribute more knowledge about the college experiences of Arab Muslim students in the research literature.
I am looking for participants who are willing to share their college experiences. For those interested, participants will take part in two interviews with me. All interviews will be individual and audio recorded for accuracy. The interviews will strictly be confidential. At the end of the second interview, participants will receive a $25 gift card as an appreciation for participating and contributing to my research.
Therefore, I am looking for participants who meet all the criteria. All the boxes must apply to the interested participant.
Criteria | |
1. You identify as an Arab Muslim. | |
2. You are willing to discuss the successes and challenges of your community college experience as an Arab Muslim student. | |
3. You have attended community college for at least two semesters before COVID. |
If all three boxes apply, then you are the right person for the study. If this study interests you, please send me an email to let me know. I will reply with a confirmation letter to welcome you and a consent form for you to give me permission to document and record your interviews. I will also send you demographic information to fill out to know your background more.
Thank you again for taking the time to read this. Please send me an email to let me know you are interested. You may put “Interested in research study” in the subject line of the email.
Dustin French
(workplace) –or– (personal)